Virtual Australian Smart Skyscrapers Summit 2021

28 April 2021
Virtual, 11am - 3pm AEST


Claude Godefroy, Partner, Design Director, Henning Larsen Architects, Hong Kong

Posted On January 4, 2018

Claude Godefroy, Partner, Design Director, Henning Larsen Architects, Hong Kong

What opportunities are available in the development of highrise buildings in Australia? 

The opportunity to design unique tall buildings that reflect the special characteristics of

Australia. Tall buildings should be designed differently in every city to reflect the local conditions and cultures and to preserve the singularity of each city. While many cities develop a generic skyline with an International style of architecture, some cities like

Singapore has developed a particular and interesting tall building culture. I see Australia doing the same in latest years with many new designs for tall buildings that reflect

Australian values: green, sustainable, human, daring…

Which elements are often overlooked by developers in the process of highrise building/skyscraper developments?

The eye level perspective is often neglected. The quality and comfort of the ground floor is a condition for building tall, but many times the urban realm at the foot of the towers is designed with little consideration to people. The space between the towers needs to be humanely scaled, pedestrian and lively. It needs to interact with the surrounding city and create a community. For the buildings themselves I think there are still great opportunities to create social spaces at heights.

What are some of the challenges for developing highrise buildings/skyscrapers in an Australian context?

Creating sufficiently added value in the urban centres to justify building densely in such a vast country. The urban realm needs special care if Australian city centres are to avoid what happened in many American city centres.

Like everywhere, tall buildings will need to address the transformation of workspace to reflect a profoundly changing working culture. How does the workspace of the future look like on an office floor of a tall building? Can a tall building offer similar qualities to what is present in a campus for instance?

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28 April 2021

Virtual, 11am - 3pm AEST

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